Shkelqim Devolli among world businessmen at the German-American gala evening in New York
The head of "Devolli Corporation", Shkëlqim Devolli, was one of the guests of the American Council for Germany at the twenty-ninth annual "John J. McCloy" awards dinner, Friday night in New York.
Honorary hosts at the gala dinner were the two former US secretaries of state, Henry Kissinger and James Baker, while the annual award of the German-American friendship organization for 2022 was won by Ola Källenius, chairman of the board of Mercedes-Benz Group AG, and Christiana Riley, CEO of Deutsche Bank USA Corp.

The head of "Devolli Corporation", Shkëlqim Devolli, was one of the guests of the American Council for Germany at the twenty-ninth annual "John J. McCloy" awards dinner, Friday night in New York.
Honorary hosts at the gala dinner were the two former US secretaries of state, Henry Kissinger and James Baker, while the annual award of the German-American friendship organization for 2022 was won by Ola Källenius, chairman of the board of Mercedes-Benz Group AG, and Christiana Riley, CEO of Deutsche Bank USA Corp.

The Kosovar businessman spoke about the development of the Devolli Corporation, also pointing to the economic opportunities offered by Kosovo.
Këshilli Amerikan për Gjermaninë (ACG) është organizatë jofitimprurëse e pavarur, jopartiake, e themeluar në vitin 1952 për të forcuar marrëdhëniet gjermano-amerikane.